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URPP Language and Space

Courses held by staff members of the URPP relating to Language and Space

Courses in fall semester 2020


Titel Dozierende Kategorie  Termin

Anwendungen von GIS: SNP

Manuel Bär, Ross Purves, Robert Weibel SE 09.-10.09.

Prolegomena (lingüística)

Carlota de Benito Moreno et al UE

Mo 12:15-13:45

Tools for the computational analysis of language and text

Carlota de Benito Moreno UE

Mo 14:00-15:45

Investigaciones iberorrománicas actuales

Carlota de Benito Moreno und Johannes Kabatek


alle 2-3 Wochen

Di 18:15-20:00

Einführung in die Sprachwissenschaft des Deutschen 1

Wolfgang Kesselheim SE

Di 08:00-09:45

Textsorten im Internet

Wolfgang Kesselheim SE

Do 10:15-12:00

Grammaire gallo-romane. Structure et variation.

Tania Paciaroni VL

Do 12:15-13:45

Computational Processing of Speech Rhythm for Language and Speaker Classification

Elisa Pellegrino VL

Di 10:15-12:00

Advanced Spatial Analysis I Peter Ranacher, Robert Weibel VL & UE

Mi 10:15-12:00

Getting started with R for spatial analysis

Peter Ranacher Blockkurs 08.-10.09.